大人 | $179.00 |
儿童 (14 年以及以下) |
$79.00 |
大人 | $179.00 |
儿童 (14 年以及以下) |
$79.00 |
Check-in required 30 minutes
Weather Conditions: Glacier Explorers operates in a unique, alpine environment. A decision is made by the lead guide just before each trip based on current weather and lake conditions. As such, some trips may not operate as scheduled. An alternative trip time, similar value trip or full refund before departure is offered under such circumstances. Cancellation Policy: Within 48 hours before departure - loss of 50% of the total price. Within 24 hours before departure - loss of 100% of the total pr
在这趟精彩的探索体验中,走近新西兰最大的冰川——塔斯曼冰川。登上我们专门定制的 MAC 小船,穿过终点湖,在经验丰富导游的陪同下,探索并了解变幻莫测的冰川地貌。亲自观看形态大小各异的冰山周期性地崩裂,坠入不断扩大的湖中。横向的冰渍石拔地而起,直冲云霄 200 米,带我们一窥冰川在远古时代所达到的规模及其壮观与雄奇。
Terrace Road, 奥拉基/库克山, 新西兰.
页面内容创建人冰川探索者 Glacier Explorers
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