394B Kerikeri Road, Kerikeri, New Zealand.
The Little Black Gallery celebrates art, ceramics, jewellery, wood art, photography and design objects as well as a range of home decor, both New Zealand made and sourced locally and internationally.
The Little Black Gallery celebrates art, ceramics, jewellery, wood art, photography and design objects as well as a range of home decor, both New Zealand made and sourced locally and internationally.
The gallery is included on the art and wine tours run by Total Tours. Bookings may be made through the Little Black Gallery for art classes run at the Turner Centre and Kingston House By Di West.
The Little Black Gallery celebrates jewellery, design, art and objects, both New Zealand made and sourced locally and internationally.
We are a modern and fresh art and design space. You can visit us in Kerikeri, Bay of Islands, on site at Treghan Luxury Lodge, 394B Kerikeri Road, Kerikeri. The gallery focuses on displaying a range of local and national artists and designers and offers original art, jewellery, prints, ceramics and a range of gifts. Little Black Gallery also runs several joint and solo exhibitions every year featuring talented Northland artists and has been honoured to be one of KOAST's Creative Art Hubs.
394B Kerikeri Road, Kerikeri, New Zealand.
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