Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $9345.00
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Please refer to our standard terms and conditions on our website here:

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Please refer to our standard terms and conditions on our website here:

Über uns

Seeing New Zealand by car is the perfect way to travel at your own pace & visit everywhere you want to. You’ll enjoy visiting some of the filming locations for the Hobbit & Lord of the Rings movies, including Hobbiton Village, Mt. Potts & Mt. Sunday, which were transformed into Edoras & remarkable locations such as Forest of Lothlorien and the Ithilien Camp. The itinerary includes the following: Lord of the Rings - Safari of the Scenes Glenorchy Tour; Dart River Wilderness Jet & Hobbiton Movie Set Tour; Wētā Workshop Experience; Lord Of The Rings Half Day Tour - Wellington; Interislander Ferry Wellington to Picton; Hobbit Barrel Run Kayak Trip & Lord of the Rings Edora Tour. Contact our expert team of New Zealand travel specialists today.


All months of the year


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Die Inhalte auf dieser Seite wurden erstellt von’ Lord of the Rings Adventure | 16 Days | Rental Car | from Auckland to Queenstown

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