Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $20.00 - $180.00 |
54a Barrys Point Road, North Shore, New Zealand.
Central to PPC’s approach to SUP design and manufacture, is its unwavering view that stand up paddle boarding should be a tool that anyone can use to access the immense enjoyment that comes from getting out and exploring the oceans, rivers.
Central to PPC’s approach to SUP design and manufacture, is its unwavering view that stand up paddle boarding should be a tool that anyone can use to access the immense enjoyment that comes from getting out and exploring the oceans, rivers.
Erwachsener | $20.00 - $180.00 |
Central to PPC’s approach to SUP design and manufacture, is its unwavering view that stand up paddle boarding should be a tool that anyone can use to access the immense enjoyment that comes from getting out and exploring the oceans, rivers and lakes, which New Zealand and the rest of the planet has to offer.
The above, coupled with our own passion for being out on the water, is what drives PPC’s dedication to providing a fleet of carefully crafted, and impeccable quality SUPs, which cater to all manner of water conditions and users; from the seasoned racer and big wave-riders, through to the yoga or fitness enthusiast and weekend warrior explorers.
In doing so, PPC draws on a depth of experience and testing, innovative design and engineer
54a Barrys Point Road, North Shore, New Zealand.
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