Pricing and Conditions

Adult $260.00
(15 year(s) and under)
Other charges angle-down

Self drive to Okarito - no pickups available.

Terms and conditions angle-down

Walking poles, wet weather gear & umbrellas supplied on guided walk. Safety equipment and binoculars supplied on boat tour.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

12 hrs cancellation policy.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 557 reviews


Start your tour at the Ōkārito wharf onboard the Explorer Douglas with locals Paula & Swade at Okarito Boat Eco Tours - a small boat designed specifically to head into the shallow waters of the Okarito Lagoon - New Zealand's longest unmodified wetland. Learn about the local birds, flora & fauna, history & stories of gold mining & more. Enjoy homemade cookies while chatting to your guides. Your guide from Glacier Valley Eco Tours will meet you off the boat and start your 3 hour guided walk, discovering the coastal village of Ōkārito on our premier bird-watching tour. Experience the lush rainforest, estuary, sea cliffs and beaches. Learn about Ōkārito's rich history and unique wildlife. Visit the Ōkārito Native Plant Nursery & plant a tree.

Opening times

Months of operation:
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Nov, Dec


Wharf Street, Ōkārito, New Zealand.

bus Proximity to coach terminal:
30 kms from bus stop Franz Josef
decisions Proximity to town:
30 kms from Franz Josef township.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 557 reviews

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