Pricing and Conditions

Adult $21.00 - $99.00
Other charges angle-down

Free wine tastings

Terms and conditions angle-down

Wine tastings and sales restricted to people over 18 years


The first and foremost vineyard at Gladstone in the Wairarapa, Gladstone Vineyard is one of New Zealand's most picturesque vineyards. Our philosophy is simply to make beautiful wine that expresses the exceptional characteristics of the soil, the climate and the region. We are committed to growing our vines and producing our wines in a thoughtful, sustainable and environmentally responsible manner.

Our cellar door is open seven days, for tastings of our award-winning wines, with winery tours available by arrangement. The Gladstone Vineyard Cafe is open Friday to Sunday for lunch and is a great place to relax with fine food and wine in an idyllic setting, indoors or out. Boutique accommodation is also available above the old winery.

Opening times

Business hours:
Cellar door 11am-4pm Saturday and Sunday
Months of operation:
All months of the year


340 Gladstone Road, Gladstone, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
1 hour 15 minutes north of Wellington Airport
decisions Proximity to town:
1 hour 15 minutes north of Wellington

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The content on this page was created by Gladstone Vineyard

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