Pricing and Conditions

Adult $50.00 - $80.00
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down

$10 per hour late fees

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 231 reviews


We're so stoked to have partnered with Cyclery raglan to bring you high quality bikes, so you can make the most of all the biking opportunities Raglan has to offer. With the awesome Te Ara Kākāriki mountain bike trails, cruisy Wainui bush park, or a safe and comfortable cycleway into town, Raglan is certainly a place to hire bikes. With an offering of sizes on high quality mountain bikes, we ensure we have something for everyone. Whether you're an experienced mountain biker wanting to shred the trails, or a cruisy Sunday rider wanting to explore the bush and town, we have you covered.

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


248 Wainui Road, Raglan, New Zealand.

decisions Proximity to town:
A 15 minute cycle to Raglan or 5 minute drive.

Looking for deals

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 231 reviews

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