Pricing and Conditions

Per night $160.00 - $205.00
Other charges angle-down

Hot Tubs $50 first night $35 subsequent nights

Cancellation Policy angle-down

In these uncertain times booking cancellations are inevitable, we are always available to discuss a transfer of your booking to a mutually agreeable date or a refund. If the booking is cancelled less than 1 day prior to arrival then a charge equal to the full booking amount will be made. In the event of a no show or booking reduction (after arrival date) the full cost of the booking is charged. Credit Card. An invalid credit card will incur your reservation being cancelled.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 172 reviews


At Musterers Accommodation Fairlie guests have a variety of fabulous accommodation options. We have four fully self contained luxury units, fully equiped kitchens, lounge and dining area, king and king single beds, a tiled bathroom. For an additional charge, you can pre-order a fresh water hot tub on your own private deck. Undercover parking is provided. Outdoor BBQ area. The Musterers Quarters, a converted WoolShed, can accommodate up to eight people, two double bed rooms and a four bed bunk room. A full kitchen and bathroom, a large lounge dining area with log fire, large deck and BBQ. Perfect for families or groups. Two quaint cabins, camping area, animals to feed, walking track, landscaped grounds complete this amazing property.

Opening times

Business hours:
Check in from 2pm, Check out 10am Property open from 8am til 9.30pm
Months of operation:
All months of the year


9 Gordon Street, Fairlie, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
2.5 hours to Christchurch International Airport and 2.5 hours to Queenstown International Airport.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
1.5 km to bus stop in Fairlie.
decisions Proximity to town:
1.5 km to Fairlie.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 172 reviews

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