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Kaikōura is home to sperm whales year round, as well as a popular migratory and feeding route for many other species of whales and dolphins. From the air passengers can experience the true magnitude of the world’s largest mammal, the whale. These animals can reach an impressive 18 metres in length and weigh up to 60 tonne. Wings Over Whales Kaikōura operate high-winged aircraft, which allows each person their own window seat and optimal, unobstructed viewing. All whale watching flights are carried out in accordance with Department of Conservation Marine Mammal Regulations. Kaikōura Kayaks offers an adventure around the beautiful coastal waters that takes in the breath-taking views of sheer cliff faces, craggy rocks and mountain ranges.

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


Kaikoura Airport, 617 State Highway 1, Peketa, Kaikoura, New Zealand.

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