Pricing and Conditions

Adult $74.00 - $79.00
(16 year(s) and under)
$59.00 - $69.00
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down

Group prices start from $74 for adults and $59 for children. Family Pack 2 adults and 2 kids $266

Terms and conditions angle-down

Minimum age of 12 years Must be able to understand basic English Must know swimming. Preferably have snorkeled before or be very confident in the Ocean. Minimum numbers are required to run our tours.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

You can cancel or change your booking up to 48 h prior to arrival for any reason. If you cancel less than 48 h prior to your booking you'll be charge 50%, and if you cancel less than 24h prior to your booking you'll be charged 100%.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 292 reviews


During this tour you will also learn some additional skills and "duck dive" or "freedive" to get a closer look at the fish. You will be part of a natural aquarium, teeming with colourful fish and marine life including blue maomao, huge snapper, eagle and stingrays, blue cod, octopus, kahawai and so many more. The awesome guide is there to keep you safe and to show you all the best spots. To top it off, New Zealand's commitment to environmental conservation ensures that these underwater wonders remain preserved for future generations. By joining our snorkeling tour, you're actively contributing to the protection of this precious ecosystem, making your experience even more meaningful.

Opening times

Months of operation:
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Oct, Nov, Dec


142 A Pakiri Road, Leigh, New Zealand.

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TripAdvisor rating Based on 292 reviews

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The content on this page was created by Goat Island, Experienced Snorkellers Tour

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