旺季 | 淡季 | |
(Dec - Feb) | (May - Oct) | |
每晚 | $65.00 - $408.00 | $25.00 - $250.00 |
旺季 | 淡季 | |
(Dec - Feb) | (May - Oct) | |
每晚 | $65.00 - $408.00 | $25.00 - $250.00 |
Peak Prices also apply to Easter and Labour Weekend
Please note: Our refund policy states that deposits are non refundable if cancellation occurs within 21 days of booking. All other cancellations will incur a $20 administration fee per site/cabin, except Xmas/NewYear bookings, where deposit less administration fee will be refunded up to 30th November. Cancellation after this date are non refundable unless site/cabin can be relet for the full time of your booking.
布里姆湾南端的一个海滨度假公园,从奥克兰驱车两小时即可到达。我们为游客提供所有必须用品,并为远近游客提供北部地区最好的露营地点。也欢迎野营车到此野营。开车从奥克兰到海边野营,这是一个非常不错的地方!钓鱼、划船、冲浪、远足、潜水、骑马、探穴、划皮艇、珊瑚礁浮潜或者只是在晒晒太阳。我们也有浴室和厨房供出租,涨潮时离潮水只有 40 米远,是家庭度假、周末休闲的好去处。
869 Cove road RD2, 怀普湖, 新西兰.
页面内容创建人怀普湾露营公司 Camp Waipu Cove
本网站旨在帮助游客与新西兰旅游体验供应商取得直接联系, 但并不保证任何特定供应商能满足特定质量标准或法律义务。 敬请联系商家了解更多信息。 另见: newzealand.com 使用条约.(opens in new window)