大人 | $2000.00 - $3000.00 |
大人 | $2000.00 - $3000.00 |
Optional activities. Tranz alpine train to Christchurch
For bookings four or more months in advance of the departure a 25% deposit can be paid with the remainder due 65 days prior to your trip. For bookings within four months of the departure, full payment is required.
More than 20 days prior to departure – 80% refund if full amount paid. 20 to 10 days prior to departure – 50% refund. Less than 10 days prior to departure – no refund. Deposits are not refunded.
从尼尔森到普纳凯基,这趟远足之旅充满了难以忘怀的精彩时分。沿着卡胡朗伊国家公园高草丛生的小径爬上山巅。越过帕帕罗瓦国家公园(Paparoa National Park)石灰岩峡谷中的清澈山涧。留宿在布勒峡谷(Buller Gorge)的农场,用可口的有机农家菜犒赏辘辘饥肠。远离拥挤的主流路线,用四天的时光静享远足的愉悦。
从密布高草的山地、茂盛幽暗的雨林,到石灰岩绝壁下的清流,沿途见识变幻多姿的风景。躲在支楞的岩石下面,搭一个帐篷露营。掌握赤足渡河和地图定位的技巧。亲眼看过令人叫绝的千层岩(Pancake Rocks)和气势磅礴的喷气海穴,第五天在格雷茅斯结束海岸高峡之旅。
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