大人 | $1795.00 |
大人 | $1795.00 |
Cancellations/refunds/transfers If you wish to cancel your tour, please notify Adventure South in writing. Once Adventure South receives your notice, cancellation will take effect subject to the following: • If cancellation occurs outside 60 days of the departure date you will forfeit your full deposit. • If cancellation occurs between 60-30 days prior to departure you will forfeit 50% of the tour price. • If cancellation occurs within 30 days of departure you will forfeit 100% of the tour pric
我们推出了五条不同线路的铁路单车步道旅游产品,所需时间为 5-7 天不等。每条线路都有后勤车辆全程支持。想要探索新西兰古老的淘金小镇,重温那段赫赫有名的光辉岁月,这是不容错过的绝佳机会。
如果你正在筹划一次生动活泼的新西兰家庭度假旅行,奥塔哥铁路单车步道之旅(Otago Rail Trail Tours)堪称完美之选!
在冬季骑车游览奥塔哥铁路单车步道(Otago Rail Trail),沿着从奥塔哥中部地区的克莱德(Clyde)至中部米德尔(Middlemarch)的老玛尼欧托托(Old Maniototo)轨道线路,欣赏白雪皑皑的山峰。沿途还可享用热气腾腾的丰富饭菜与熊熊的炉火!为期 4 天的单车旅行将提供全程后勤支持,可从皇后镇(Queenstown)或克莱德出发,最后返回皇后镇。
页面内容创建人南部探险——奥塔哥铁路单车步道之旅 Adventure South - Otago Rail Trail Tours
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