
每晚 $510.00 - $630.00
其他费用 angle-down

$380 self-catering for 2 - $70 extra adult $40 extra child. $480 for 2 includes welcome drinks snacks and full breakfast - $100 extra adult and $60 extra child.

条款与条件 angle-down

Full-service option: Full gourmet breakfast and all extras $480 per couple, $100 extra adult $60 extra child. Extras include welcome drinks and snacks, New Zealand champagne and beer. Self-Catering Option: - breakfast and extras not included $380 per couple $70 extra adult $40 extra child.

取消政策 angle-down

Cancellation within 30 days incurs a forfeit of 25%. Cancellation within 7 days incurs a forfeit of 100%.

TripAdvisor 旅行者评分
TripAdvisor rating 根据205条点评得出


工厂将在一座历史悠久的海滨建筑内为你提供豪华的住宿体验。其坐落于凯库拉以北,拥有得天独厚的地理位置,一面仰望巍峨的高山,一面远眺辽阔的太平洋。这里距凯库拉的各大著名景点不过 10 分钟车程。客房楼配有全套的自助设施,且带私人庭院和温泉,三间大床卧室最多可容纳 6 人入住。



8am-10pm, 7 days.
All months of the year


5 Hapuku Road, 凯库拉, 新西兰.

plane 离机场距离:
2 1/2 hours from Christchurch International Airport
bus 离长途汽车站距离:
10 minutes drive to coach terminal - free pick-up if required.
decisions 离市中心距离:
10 minutes drive from Kaikoura


TripAdvisor 旅行者评分
TripAdvisor rating 根据205条点评得出

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