Pricing and Conditions

High season Low season
(Apr - Sep) (May - Sep)
Per night $119.00 - $209.00 $230.00 - $290.00
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down

The combo packages can accommodate up to four people with a $15 or $30 additional charge per additional child or adult/night.

Terms and conditions angle-down

Not available during peak times (school holidays). A night in Theo’s Cottage automatically includes unlimited admission to the reserve and late check out of 11am. Any child on the Kiwi Night Encounter must be aged 7+ and accompanied by an adult. Adults are considered age 18+. Accommodation and Kiwi Night Encounter tour must be taken on the same night and is dependent on availability. Visitors can choose to do both tours with the second tour being at normal per person pricing.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

Cancellations or requests for changes must be aat least 24 hours beforehand. Cancellations made before the commencement time of the tour or experience will incur the following charges: 25% deposit required to secure booking. More than 14 days prior to commencement no charge. More than 24 hours prior to commencement 25% up to a maximum of $250. 24 hours or less prior to commencement 75% up to a maximum of $250 No shows will result in no refund.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 193 reviews


The Kiwi Night Encounter commences at dusk on the night of stay, or the Native Bird Close Encounter runs 11am the following morning
(1 and 2 adult combo packages available). The combo packages can accommodate up to four people with a $15 or $30 additional charge per additional child or adult/night. What you get in this package: An overnight stay in Theo’s Cottage. A wildlife tour with a choice between the Night Encounter or the Native Bird Close Encounter. Reserve to yourselves after hours. Able to do a private nighttime forest walk. Unlimited reserve entry during the stay. Late check out at 11am.

Opening times

Business hours:
10am - 5pm, 7 Days. Reserve hours
Months of operation:
All months of the year


74 Ngā Manu Reserve Road, Waikanae, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
55 minute drive to Wellington Airport.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
45 mins drive from Wellington Railway Station and ferry terminal. 5 mins drive to pick up from Waikanae Railway Station.
decisions Proximity to town:
5 minutes drive to Waikanae.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 193 reviews

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