Pricing and Conditions

Per night $130.00 - $350.00
Age restriction angle-down


Cancellation Policy angle-down

All cancellations and amendments must be received in writing to If the booking is cancelled by 4pm 1 day prior to the arrival at the hotel, no charge will incur. If the booking is NOT cancelled 1 day prior to the commencement of stay the hotel does reserve the right to charge for the equivalent of one night's accommodation to the credit card used to make the booking.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 652 reviews


Located in the heart of Wellington and only 20 minutes drive from the International and Domestic Airport, West Plaza Hotel offers you spacious, comfortable rooms with a friendly welcoming atmosphere. This four star hotel is located in the thick of the CBD, within walking distance to popular restaurants, Lambton Quay shopping and Te Papa Museum. A popular hotel destination for a Wellington get away, or conferences and business meetings, with everything on your doorstep West Plaza is the perfect place to stay. Members Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA), Tourism Export Council New Zealand (TECNZ).

Opening times

Business hours:
Months of operation:
All months of the year


110 Wakefield Street, Wellington Central, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
6.6km to Wellington Airport.
decisions Proximity to town:
Located in Wellington CBD.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 652 reviews

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The content on this page was created by West Plaza Hotel

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