Pricing and Conditions

High season Low season
(Dec - May) (Jun - Nov)
Per night $98.00 - $145.00 $95.00 - $125.00
Cancellation Policy angle-down

Changes & Cancellation to booking made up to 7 days before the arrival date/time are without charge. Thereafter the deposit may be change the total value of the booking if cancellation are made with in less than 48 hours notice. A 10% admin fee applies to all changes & cancellation to reservation made with less than 48 hours notice. No smoking in all rooms at all.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 97 reviews


Stay a while and enjoy all of the secrets of the Catlins, its splendid wild coastline, deserted beaches, wildlife, waterfalls, walking tracks, magnificent native trees and much more. Explore its unusual geological formations including Cathedral Caves, Jack's Blowhole and Petrified Forest at Curio Bay. We offer 'NZ's biggest selection of wildlife': Yellow-eyed penguins, Hector's Dolphins, NZ Fur Seals and sealions. Sometimes during summer you may see Sea Elephants and Leopard Seals. Every corner has something for you to enjoy. To see it all needs good planning as many sights require a low tide and wildlife have their own timetable. Take the time to rest in our peaceful surroundings. Take a deep breath and enjoy our fresh air of the Catlins.

Opening times

Business hours:
Open: 8:30 am - Closes: 10:00 - Summer ; Open 9:00am - 9:00pm -Winter Check in Time: 2:00pm Check out 10:00am
Months of operation:
All months of the year


19 Surat Bay Road, Owaka, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
1 hour drive to Dunedin Airport.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
30 minutes drive to Balcutha Information Centre (Intercity Bus).
decisions Proximity to town:
6 Km to Owaka or 5 minutes drive to Owaka, 30 minutes drive to Balclutha, 1 hr drive to Dunedin airport and 1hrs & 30min drive to Dunedin City Centre.

Language support

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 97 reviews

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