旺季 | 淡季 | |
(Dec - Feb) | (Apr - Sep) | |
每晚 | $28.00 - $240.00 | $20.00 - $155.00 |
旺季 | 淡季 | |
(Dec - Feb) | (Apr - Sep) | |
每晚 | $28.00 - $240.00 | $20.00 - $155.00 |
The highest rates are for minumum of two persons in accommadation
If you fail to give adequate notice of your cancellation (minimum of 7 days) or you fail to show by 8pm on the arrival date, on this letter, you will forfeit your deposit or the equivalent of one night's stay, which ever is the lesser & your booking will be cancelled. If you give us adequate notice, as above, to cancel your booking we will refund your deposit (less $20 administration fee). Over the Peak Period (Labour Weekend/20th December until the 7th February/Easter) A minimum of 42 days not
布恩镇海滩度假公园坐落在海滩上。我们的宿营地坐落在大海和海港之间,被美丽而安全的海滩包围。度假公园周边环境优美,附近有 10 公里长的美丽白色沙滩可供步行。在半岛的尽头的山峦和海湾处也有数条景观步道,可观赏绝美的海景和陆地风光,亦是晒太阳和乘船钓鱼或激浪投钓的绝佳去处。此地距离科罗曼德和丰盛湾都占据中心地带,游客可下榻此地,以便于探游周边各处名胜。距离卡朗加哈科峡谷/ Waihi 矿井/凯啼凯啼和Murals 同样很近。各种活动丰富多样,步行、游泳、皮划艇,不一而足。游客可在度假公园预订按摩服务,为您或您的朋友舒缓身心。儿童游乐园、电视房和水疗等设施都一应俱全。
510 Seaforth Road, 怀希沙滩, 新西兰.
页面内容创建人布恩镇海滩度假公园 Bowentown Beach Holiday Park
本网站旨在帮助游客与新西兰旅游体验供应商取得直接联系, 但并不保证任何特定供应商能满足特定质量标准或法律义务。 敬请联系商家了解更多信息。 另见: newzealand.com 使用条约.(opens in new window)