
大人 $1.00 - $1800.00
其他费用 angle-down

Prices are approximate. Rate is retail for 2 people for our Bike & Coffee package. For rates for our other packages, please contact enquiries@chrisjolly.co.nz

条款与条件 angle-down

Medium bike fitness required for all packages. CJO staff need to be made aware of any medical condition that could impair your tour. For full terms and conditions please contact enquiries@chrisjolly.co.nz

取消政策 angle-down

Bookings cancelled by the client within 30 days will incur a 10% cancellation fee. Bookings cancelled by the client within 48 hours of departure will incur a 100% cancellation fee. If Chris Jolly Outdoors cancels due to weather or some unforeseen circumstance thee is no charge.

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TripAdvisor rating 根据1534条点评得出


围绕陶波湖展开向导骑游,感受户外运动的活力——非常适合情侣或是家庭在假期体验。提供最新款前悬架自行车。带头盔和瓶装水。向导对本地地形和各类动植物了如指掌。新下水的渡轮可搭载游客横渡史迹观光路段(Nga Haerenga)上湖区自行车道(Great Lake Trails)之间的水湾。




Operate 7 days a week. Bike tours run during daylight hours.
All months of the year


Berth 4, Taupo Boat Harbour, 65 Redoubt Street/Ferry Road, 陶波, 新西兰.

plane 离机场距离:
Our booking office is a 10 minute drive from the Taupo airport
bus 离长途汽车站距离:
Our booking office is a 2 minute drive from the coach terminal
decisions 离市中心距离:
Chris Jolly Outdoors is located at the Taupo Boat Harbour. Our Guided bike tours operate all around the Lake Taupo district


TripAdvisor 旅行者评分
TripAdvisor rating 根据1534条点评得出



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