


  • Te Hikoi Southern Journey
  • Colac Bay


Poised on the south coast of Southland, Riverton (also known as Aparima) is an eclectic and quirky town surrounded by stunning natural beauty.

Enjoy an ice cream on the beach, Southland

Thirty kilometres from Invercargill, Riverton's population is an interesting mix of artists and fishermen. The town spans Jacob's River Estuary, a picturesque location framed by the vast, sweeping coastline.

The township itself is nearly 200 years old and steeped in history.

The quaint, old fashioned shop fronts of the main street are an attraction in themselves – many homes to off-beat shops, cafes and art galleries. A craft trail of artists' studios will take you to visit potters, painters, and Maori weavers and carvers.

Riverton's surrounding beaches and estuary are popular with swimmers, kayakers, surfers and families. Dolphins often travel up into the estuary for feeding and can be seen from the beaches. Why not try collecting your own seafood? Explore Western Southland where you could try collecting pāua or mussels along the coastline.

Nearby Colac Bay is home to ‘The Porridge’, which ranks among New Zealand’s top surfing spots. The Long Hilly Track starts just after this bay, exploring regenerating native bush and relics from the days of early Chinese gold mining in Southland.

Riverton is also on the Southern Scenic Route and is an ideal stopover between Queenstown and Dunedin.

Explore Riverton / Aparima

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