Kia ora, thanks for sharing your Good Morning World video on social media.
We’d like to share your video which uses the hashtag #goodmorningworldnz and/or has tagged the @goodmorningworldnz account with others who are passionate about New Zealand – like people who are visiting (Tourism New Zealand’s official website) and people who follow @purenewzealand and @goodmorningworldnz on social media. If you’re happy for us to embed your original video from Instagram, Facebook or Twitter on and you’re ok with us sharing your video on the @purenewzealand and @goodmorningworldnz social media accounts, just reply with #YesGMW when you’re prompted (see below for more info). We’ll be sure to credit your social account alongside your video.
By responding with #YesGMW when prompted, you agree to allow the New Zealand Tourism Board (‘TNZ’) to use your video (Content) on and to share your Content on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and you agree to comply with the Terms of Use of Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. You are also agreeing to the following:
Responding #YesGMW does not guarantee that your Content will be used and we reserve the right to refuse to accept, post or transmit the Content for any reason or remove the Content from TNZ’s Website for any reason and at any time, at our discretion.