
大人 $1275.00 - $2255.00
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Group discounts for group bookings of 3 or more.

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Booking Conditions Last update: 11 October 2010 1. Payment A deposit of 50% of tour price is payable at the time of booking, with the balance due 30 days prior to departure date. We accept VISA or MASTERCARD. 2a. Cancellation and Refund Policy (all tours except Ascents and Advanced Climbing Courses) - Cancellations more than 45 days before tour: Full refund less $100 cancellation fee. - Cancellations between 45 days and 14 days before tour: Full refund less $200 cancellation fee. - Cancellations 14 days or less before tour: no refund. - No refund for any services not uilised after tour has started. 2b. Cancellation Fees (Ascents and Advanced Climbing Courses only) - Cancellations over 60 days before tour: Full refund less $500 cancellation fee. - Cancellations between 60 days and 30 days before tour: Full refund less $1000 cancellation fee. - Cancellations 30 days or less before tour: no refund. - No refund for any services not uilised after tour has started. 3. Fitness Failure If a client needs extra services due to lack of fitness and inability to continue with the group, additional fees may apply. E.g. In the case of Ball Pass if a client overestimates his/her fitness to the extent that on Day 1 he/she is not able to reach Caroline Hut; or if the guide judges that the client is not fit enough to continue with the group, then he/she may need to pay an extra fee of NZ$450, to cover the costs of an additional guide to evacuate him/her and transport. Client will be liable for his/her own accommodation/meal expenses outside the tour in such a case. 4. Changes The operators reserve the right to alter, amend or cancel any tour, should weather or any other situation demand this. When you enrol for a mountain activity you are purchasing the services and professional judgement of your guide, who will make the best decision at the time, taking into account the weather, the snow, ice and route conditions, and your abilities and fitness. Alpine Recreation can make no guarantee that you will achieve your goal, because of these varying factors and safety has to be the overriding consideration. In case weather forces you to remain in the mountains longer than intended, then you will need to pay the guide's wages and your hut fees for the extra day(s). (Our guides are very good at judging the weather and timing your exit to avoid this happening.) For further details please refer to our Bad Weather Policies: - Ball Pass - Introductory Climbing Course - Intermediate & Advanced Climbing - Ski Touring & Snow Shoeing 5. Liability While we do our best to minimise risk, we cannot eliminate it entirely. Alpine Recreation Canterbury Ltd and its agents finalise all arrangements for these tours upon the express condition that they shall not be liable for loss of life, injury, illness, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of weather or any defect in any vehicle or aircraft or through the acts of default of any company or persons engaged in conveying the passengers or carrying out of arrangements of the tours. The New Zealand Accident Compensation scheme applies. All clients have to complete our waiver form before starting their tour. These conditions are subject to any rights or remedies a customer has under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, or any other New Zealand law.

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遥远山区的完美滑雪体验,让自己独享纯白的原野世界。入住蒂卡普湖上方的雷克斯•辛普森小屋(Rex Simpson),体验双拇指山(Two Thumb Range)连绵起伏的盆地一日游。远离南阿尔卑斯山美黛岭(Main Divide),双拇指山拥有优渥的天气条件,丰富的地形区以及陡峭平缓各异的斜坡可满足各种难易程度的越野滑雪、特里马滑雪或高山滑雪运动。你可以沿着起伏的山丘自在游逛,探索白雪覆盖的山谷,或轻松上至理想地形,进行特里马转弯。可提供指导教程。提供所有特里马装备、雪铲、探杆和无线电收发器。


8.30am - 8.30pm
Jul, Aug, Sep


8 Erebus Place, 蒂卡普湖, 新西兰.

plane 离机场距离:
3 hours drive from Christchurch or Queenstown airports
bus 离长途汽车站距离:
Buses travelling between Christchurch and Queenstown stop daily in Tekapo
decisions 离市中心距离:
5 minutes walk from Tekapo town centre


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