
旺季 淡季
(Dec - May) (May - Dec)
每晚 $52.00 - $520.00 $50.00 - $460.00
年龄限制 angle-down


其他费用 angle-down

Fitness Centre one off charge of $5 workout as often as you like.

条款与条件 angle-down

Accommodation units confirmed with credit card details. Late arrivals welcome with notification by 9pm.

取消政策 angle-down

Receipt of credit card details or deposit confirms dates, number of nights and number of guests. Any refunds relating to cancelled bookings will be less a $20.00 administration fee per unit/site. A no show is considered a cancelled booking. Full tariff will be charged for a no show. Deposits/payments are non refundable if a booking is cancelled within 7 days of arrival. Credit card details kept on file - guests will incur a charge back for missing/damaged items or extra cleaning charges if units are left in a manner considered beyond reasonable wear and tear.

TripAdvisor 旅行者评分
TripAdvisor rating 根据99条点评得出


奥托罗昂格假日公园位于核心地段,毗邻城镇大型购物中心,距离闻名世界的怀托摩萤火虫洞仅 16 公里。宽敞的假日公园有大片露营地,可方便您随意选择自己的落脚处。拥有大型巴士/露营车的出入口和停车场。住宿单元包括带独立卫浴和厨房的自助式套房。经济型旅客可以选择普通木屋,充分享用各种公用设施,比如不计量的淋浴、带免费烧烤用具的厨房/餐厅、电视休息室、天空卫视、互联网、无线网络连接以及游乐场。 这座假日公园还设有一座设施齐备的健身中心,仅需 5 新元便可尽情使用。


7am - 9pm 7 days
All months of the year


20 Huiputea Drive, 奥托罗昂格, 新西兰.

plane 离机场距离:
40 minutes
bus 离长途汽车站距离:
Walking distance
decisions 离市中心距离:
Walking distance to town facilities


TripAdvisor 旅行者评分
TripAdvisor rating 根据99条点评得出



页面内容创建人奥托罗昂格假日公园 Otorohanga Holiday Park

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