Pricing and Conditions

Adult $5.00 - $50.00
(15 year(s) and under)
$5.00 - $50.00
Other charges angle-down

Prices depend on group sizes and tour itinerary

Terms and conditions angle-down

Group discounts and pricing is available. Tours are personalised and prices are based on group size and itinerary. Please contact directly to arrange a tour.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

Covid-safe travel; all COVID related changes are fully transferable. Full refund 48-hours pre departure for all other reasons (less 10% admin fee). No refund within 48-hours.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 49 reviews


Group tours uncover New Zealand’s history, nature and unique ecology. We can tailor trips to your needs and fit the NZ School Curriculum. Learn about some of the most important historical events by visiting and learning about the Brig Elizabeth Te Rauparaha massacre, Onuku Marae, Treaty of Waitangi, and Britomart Monument. Learn first-hand from a French descendant about the race-for-Akaroa and learn about the nature conservation projects and inspiring future of hope that Banks Peninsula has, directly from a conservation ecologist with decades of experience. Learn about the history and nature of New Zealand in an engaging way, so that you leave with more knowledge, a deeper sense and understanding of New Zealand and hope for the future.

Opening times

Business hours:
Available to contact at any time. Tours usually depart 10am or 1pm, but are fully tailored to your travel requirements.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


78 Rue Lavaud, Akaroa, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
1.5 hours drive from the Christchurch International Airport. Transfers can be arranged.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
Pick up/drop off at Akaroa bus-stops as arranged.
decisions Proximity to town:
Tour departs and returns to Akaroa.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 49 reviews

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The content on this page was created by The Seventh Generation: Akaroa Education - Schools, Universities and Groups

This website helps visitors connect with providers of great New Zealand tourism experiences. It is not intended to give any assurance that any particular provider meets certain quality standards or legal obligations. Please contact this business for more information. See also: terms of use(opens in new window).