Pricing and Conditions

Per night $295.00
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Hewlett's Hideaway was the original barn built by the first farmer to settle the land. It's been lovingly renovated by the owners to create a stylish open-plan living/kitchen/dining space - and an upstairs loft bedroom accessed via a spiral staircase. The barn sits next to the farm's woolshed and sheep yards. It's a peaceful location, with beautiful views over farmland and the Whangārei harbour. Tidal flats surround the farm, so there is a variety of wading birds feeding at low tide and roosting off the point at high tide. You'll also see native birds such as fantails and tui and plenty of farm animals including sheep, cattle, pet pigs, ducks and hens. Starry nights are beautiful next to the fire pit outside here.

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


565 Hewlett Road, Matakana, New Zealand.

decisions Proximity to town:
Hewlett's Hideaway is 2.5 hours from Auckland and 30 minutes drive to Whangarei. Follow the Google maps instructions to get to the address.

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