Pricing and Conditions

Per night $325.00 - $1570.00
Age restriction angle-down



Get away from the hustle and bustle - enjoy relaxing in the peaceful countryside, but still be close to everything. Paradise Valley Lodge is set in 2 acres of beautiful lawns and gardens nestled between the majestic Mt Ngongotaha and the Ngongotaha Stream, with views of the surrounding farmland. Trout fishing stream at the bottom of the garden. Only 10 minutes from the city centre and 5 minutes from: Skyline Skyrides & Gravity Park mountain biking Agroventures - jet boating, bungy, swoop, freefall extreme Agrodome - farm show and tour AmazeMe - hedge maze and puzzles Zorb or Ogo - downhill spheres Paradise Valley Springs Wildlife Park - pat the lion cubs Rainbow Springs & Kiwi Encounter.

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


2/1099 Paradise Valley Road, Ngongotahā, New Zealand.

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