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Visiting Te Moutere – Tuatara Island - here’s what you need to know: Te Moutere – Tuatara Island is nestled in the Animal Reserve at Queens Park, Invercargill. Open from 8.30am to 4.30pm daily. Parking is available close-by via the entrance to Queens Park off Queens Drive. Please note dogs are not available in this area.


Te Moutere – Tuatara Island Highlights. Constructed in 2024, Te Moutere – Tuatara Island is a specialist enclosure created just for our tuatara. With one entire side of the enclosure made of glass, you’ll get an amazing view into the world of the tuatara. View the burrows and tunnels the tuatara use for hiding, giving the animals spaces to feel snug and secure. See the natural behaviours of tuatara up close – above ground, the enclosure is designed to encourage the tuatara’s natural behaviours like climbing, basking, and digging and provides the tuatara with an environment that closely resembles their natural habitat. Keep your eye out for Henry, the eldest tuatara in the colony, who is about 135 years old.

Opening times

Business hours:
Open daily from 8.30am-4.30pm. Opening hours during Public Holidays may vary.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


Queens Drive, Invercargill, Invercargill, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
15 minute drive to Invercargill Airport.
decisions Proximity to town:
6 minute drive to the centre of Invercargill.

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