Pricing and Conditions

Adult $150.00 - $10000.00


ScenicNZ is exceptionally positioned to cater for the needs of group tours around New Zealand. Luxury coaches can accommodate large numbers of delegates for conferences and events. Our fleet offers a wide range of vehicle sizes, from four to 53 seats. Coaches are equipped with air-con, music players & microphones. ScenicNZ is fully equipped to meet your transport requirements. We strive to make your journey hassle-free, taking you directly to your desired destinations without fuss. Our primary aim is to simplify the experience for inbound tour operators & event planners, while ensuring our passengers get to witness the breath-taking beauty of scenic New Zealand. Let us be your reliable partner in exploring the best New Zealand has to offer.

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


3 Brookes Road, Central Queenstown, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
10 minutes to Queenstown Airport.
decisions Proximity to town:
10 minutes to central Queenstown.

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