大人 | $21.00 - $200.00 |
1 Tancred Crescent, ブレナム, ニュージーランド.
大人 | $21.00 - $200.00 |
The minimum age for car hire is 21 years & all drivers must have a full drivers license written in English or if in another language, accompanied by a certified English translation. There is no charge for additional drivers, however all drivers wishing to drive the vehicle must present their driving license at the time of hire. For Christchurch, Picton, Blenheim & Auckland Airport the maximum age for car rental is 79 years. For all other branches please contact to confirm the maximum age limit.
Our branches are independently owned, and refund/cancellation policies may very between branches. Please check specific details with the hiring branch. Details of cancellation fees will be displayed on your booking confirmation.
1 Tancred Crescent, ブレナム, ニュージーランド.