Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $6.50
(15 Jahre und jünger)
$4.00 - $4.50

Über uns

Turtle Pools is located in the centre of Tūrangi and offers entertainment for all ages. A fully enclosed swimming pool facility with an air temperature of 24 degrees and is Poolsafe accredited. The complex features four heated pools including a 25 metre leisure and training pool, a 1.8m-deep activity pool, a learner’s pool and a toddler’s pool, and an aquatic climbing wall. A range of pool toys are also available. Lane swimming is available all year. There are two family/disability changing rooms with hot showers. Swimming and water safety classes are on offer at the pool for all skill levels.


8.30am to 6pm, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. 8.30am to 7.30pm, Tuesday. 12 noon to 6pm, Friday and weekends..
All months of the year


Ohuanga Road, Tūrangi, New Zealand.

decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
Located in Turangi town centre.

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