Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $19495.00
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Über uns

Imagine, New Zealand’s highest snow-capped mountains, turquoise waters, volcanoes, geysers and colourful steaming mud pools, deserted golden beaches and towering sand dunes, emerald bays, harbours, islands and lagoons, misty primeval rainforests and Hobbit holes, picturesque lighthouses and rugged coastlines, cascading waterfalls and underground streams lit by twinkling glow-worms, awe-inspiring fiords, sounds, caves, cliffs, glaciers and gorges, native reserves teeming with exotic tuatara, birdlife, whales, dolphins and seals, the isolated cape that experiences the planet’s first sunrise each day, world-famous wine-making regions and hiking tracks and our most important sites of early Maori and European history. All here. Everything.


Feb, Mar, Apr, May


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Die Inhalte auf dieser Seite wurden erstellt von’ The 90 Day Epic ZigZag Adventure Guided Tour - Feb to May 2025

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