Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $2.00
(12 Jahre und jünger)
Andere Kosten angle-down

Garden entry is payable at each individual garden you choose to visit. No tickets required. Some Places of Interest may charge more - see website. Children under 12 free.

Über uns

The festival is in its 20th year, this year, we are excited to share with you 36 gardens & 7 Places of Interest throughout the region. We offer a large variety of gardens that range from those that are picture perfect to those that are practical and achievable. This spectrum of gardens are chosen by design. We want you to go away brimming with inspiration and the knowledge that you too can create your own garden of delight regardless of the time, money, or space you have to hand. Just as important as the gardens are the gardeners behind them and the Trust seeks to celebrate their passion and achievement. That’s why we encourage you to meet the gardeners and share their stories. All our gardens are an affordable $2pp admission.


9am - 5pm from Fri 1st Nov - Sun 10th Nov 2024


65 Saint Aubyn Street, New Plymouth, New Zealand.

decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
Private gardens located all over Taranaki.

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