Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $10.00
TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 113 Bewertungen

Über uns

Our interactive experience is full of fascinating and immersive exhibits complete with its own theatre. All visitors to the Gateway Experience have access to the Curio Guide, a mobile guide that offers further interactive content to support your exploration of the outside environment. Curio Bay's 170 million year old Petrified forest is recognised as one of the best examples of Jurassic Fossil Forest in the world. The Living Forest is a direct descedent of the Petrified Forest and thought to be the only place in the world where a direct descendent lies so close to its petrified counterpart.

After visiting these amazing sites call in at our cafe/restuarant and purchase some merchandise, or book a camping spot in our natural flax areas.


We are currently operating Wednesday - Sunday 10am - 5.00pm. The restaurant is open, but bookings are required.
All months of the year


590 Waikawa-Curio Bay Road, The Catlins, New Zealand.

plane Nähe zum Flughafen:
Our nearest airport is an hour away at Invercargill
decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
We are located at Curio Bay, which is a remote area in the Catlins

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TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 113 Bewertungen

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