Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $120.00
(16 Jahre und jünger)

Über uns

Embark on a captivating Dark Sky Stargazing tour in Auckland. These tours offer outstanding quality starry nights and take place in remote locations with minimal light pollution. With a telescope, you'll explore deep space objects like galaxies and nebulae. Your guide will point out southern sky highlights, share Maori legends, teach navigation techniques, and explain the birth of stars. Experience the beauty of the nocturnal environment and learn that most people miss out on seeing the Milky Way due to light pollution. The darkness of these sites is measured using a Sky Quality Metre, ensuring a high-quality experience. Discover dark sky deities and goddesses from Maori mythology. See asterisms, intricate star arrangements and much more.


All months of the year


6 Westgate Drive, Auckland Central, New Zealand.

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