Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $55.00 |
432 Peninsula Road, Frankton, New Zealand.
Deer Park Heights is a scenic drive and animal encounter situated in the heart of Queenstown. The 5km road takes you above Queenstown, through a working deer farm. See and feed the tame animals, stroll walkways, and picnic at exclusive lookouts.
Deer Park Heights is a scenic drive and animal encounter situated in the heart of Queenstown. The 5km road takes you above Queenstown, through a working deer farm. See and feed the tame animals, stroll walkways, and picnic at exclusive lookouts.
Erwachsener | $55.00 |
$2 NZ Coin for Sheep nuts to feed animals.
We are privileged to own this iconic property and extend a very warm welcome to share the views and farm experience in a private and non-commercial environment. To enhance this experience. DPH reserves the right to deny admission to this private property.
If you are required to cancel your booking for any reason. Please login to your account at and follow the steps to cancel. You will be refunded your booking cost.
Only a 10min drive from the airport is Queenstown's historic property, Deer Park Heights. This historic property offers car & campervan access to visitors in the Whakatipu basin to enjoy wildlife, scenery, and iconic movie locations such as Lord of the Rings.
You are free to explore Deer Park Heights at your own pace, spend an hour, or a whole day enjoying this spectacular location. The combination of the animals and scenery makes this the perfect attraction for families and visitors alike.
When you book online, you will receive an access code to enter at the toll gate once you arrive and upon exiting.
Access to Deer Park is only permitted to free independent travellers. We do not allow access to commercial operators, tour guides & taxis.
432 Peninsula Road, Frankton, New Zealand.
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