Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $14.00 - $225.00 |
2 Matapihi Road, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand.
Come try out Golf 360's floodlit driving range in Tauranga. Experience a golfing game like no other with cutting-edge ball-tracking technology in each bay.
Come try out Golf 360's floodlit driving range in Tauranga. Experience a golfing game like no other with cutting-edge ball-tracking technology in each bay.
Erwachsener | $14.00 - $225.00 |
Analyse your club and ball data, jump in on online challenges, and experience famous courses like Pebble Beach and St Andrews. If you're a beginner or a pro, our golf club rentals and concession cards make for a great yet affordable practice session. Come on down to Golf 360 and play in style.
2 Matapihi Road, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand.
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