Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $140.00 - $270.00
Altersbeschränkung angle-down


Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

Good level of fitness and agility essential; ability to walk unassisted in the dark; manage challenging terrain including muddy/wet tracks, uneven ground, gradients, native bush, sandy beach. Tour not suitable for those with visual or hearing impairment, walking difficulties or youngsters aged under 15 years old. We walk for 2 hours at night - torch with red filter provided. Warm clothing/layers very important.

Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

Full cancellation policy available on our website

TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 166 Bewertungen

Über uns

Ulva's Guided Walks has exclusive rights to operate kiwi spotting tours at Mamaku Point Conservation Reserve. Meet in Oban township after sunset (summer approx 10pm/winter 7pm) for pre-tour briefing and 4km drive to Mamaku Point Conservation Reserve. Area is protected by a biosecurity fence to keep predators out. We enter via simple quarantine system in the fence. Explore the forest and favoured hang-outs of these rare iconic birds with our local guide; listen for Morepork and Blue Penguin; marvel at the stars above - Stewart Island's spectacular night sky is an accredited Dark Sky Sanctuary. Good fitness essential. Tour takes place in the dark; uneven ground & muddy/slippery track. Not suitable for those with walking difficulties.


Unstaffed booking office open November to March at 10 Main Road, Stewart Island. Otherwise available daily by phone 8am to 8pm (summer) and 9am to 5pm (winter) on +64 27 688 1332 every day except Christmas Day.
All months of the year


10 Main Road, Oban, New Zealand.

plane Nähe zum Flughafen:
4km to Stewart Island Airport.
decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
4km to central Oban.

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TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 166 Bewertungen

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Die Inhalte auf dieser Seite wurden erstellt von’ Evening Kiwi Spotting at Mamaku Point with Ulva's Guided Walks

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