Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $95.00
(15 Jahre und jünger)
Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

Booking may be cancelled without penalty up to 24 hours before departure of the trip. Cancellations within 24 hours and No Show are subject to 100% cancellation charge. We recommend our guests should hold a comprehensive travel insurance policy in case of any unexpected changes in their travel plans that may incur a cancellation fee.

Über uns

Enjoy a cruise through Tikapa Moana - the Hauraki Gulf, as we make our way to this island sanctuary. Departing from Auckland Viaduct, we also pick up passengers from Gulf Harbour. This pest-free island provides a safe haven for a wide range of native species including kōkako, takahē, tīeke and more. Take a walk with an experienced guide to help you spot the native species and find out more about the island’s conservation programme. Enjoy the time to explore the island's other walking tracks, quiet beaches and regenerating forest at your leisure. Enhance your experience with a guided walk to help you spot the native species and support the island's ongoing conservation programme - this can be book online with your ferry ticket.


Explore Group Ltd
All months of the year


Explore Booking Kiosk, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland Central, New Zealand.

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