Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $12.00 - $119.00 |
110 Montgomerie Road, Manukau, New Zealand.
Our rental cars are the best value for money in New Zealand. When you get into one, you’ll know it’s been really well looked after and it’s going to be reliable. On top of that, you'll get 'New Zealand's best customer service' - that's Mode.
Our rental cars are the best value for money in New Zealand. When you get into one, you’ll know it’s been really well looked after and it’s going to be reliable. On top of that, you'll get 'New Zealand's best customer service' - that's Mode.
Erwachsener | $12.00 - $119.00 |
We offer you the best deal going by providing you with the best vehicle in its class that we have available on the day. For that reason we wait until pick-up to tell you exactly which car it will be. We also promise to provide what you have asked for, or even go one better. So if you book a people mover with seven seats you will get one – or a vehicle with more seats. We provide 24-hour roadside assist, free standard insurance and there’s no surcharge if you’re under 25. Vehicles also have a built-in security system. Come to us knowing you'll be getting a great vehicle at a very sharp price. If you’re not happy with the vehicle we’ve chosen for you, we’ll gladly find you another one, so long as one is available.
110 Montgomerie Road, Manukau, New Zealand.
Verfasst | Gesprochen | |
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