Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $2000.00 - $5000.00 |
Pacific Discovery is a global leader in experiential education offering challenging and inspiring gap year, semester and summer programs abroad since 2001.
Pacific Discovery is a global leader in experiential education offering challenging and inspiring gap year, semester and summer programs abroad since 2001.
Erwachsener | $2000.00 - $5000.00 |
Cost depends on itinerary developed, level of accomodation and inclusions, and group size.
Pacific Discovery offers unique educational travel programs in New Zealand.
Our summer, semester and gap year programs blend adventure education, cultural immersion, volunteer and community service projects, sustainable travel, personal and leadership development, and tons of fun!
In addition to our scheduled student program itineraries and departure dates, we offer customized student programs. We have 20 years experience developing and running international student tours for university groups, high school groups, and special interest groups.
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