Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $3975.00 |
Kind (12 Jahre und jünger) |
$2650.00 |
Awaken your sense of adventure and Sail away, pamper yourself at your private hotel mineral pools and spruce up your knowledge of how Lava Glass is blown interspersed with art galleries. Guaranteed privacy, far from the tourist crowds.
Awaken your sense of adventure and Sail away, pamper yourself at your private hotel mineral pools and spruce up your knowledge of how Lava Glass is blown interspersed with art galleries. Guaranteed privacy, far from the tourist crowds.
Erwachsener | $3975.00 |
Kind (12 Jahre und jünger) |
$2650.00 |
Single supplement
Start the adventure memorized by pure piercing deep blue ribbons of spring water. Then it’s off to the best art gallery in a small town. Together we find, tucked into the backcountry a historic hotel where the earth’s core has a private treat in store for us with warm natural thermal pools. Enjoy the front row seat to observe displays of natural Central Plateau energy. You will find rare endangered blue ducks (whio) adorable and the acquarium where eels and trout content for crumbs fun. Rotorua is reimagined for locals with nooks and corners explored. Handpicked loop itinerary that visits places like Okoroire Hot Springs, Tokaanu, Chateau Tongariro, Ngongotaha and Zeelong Tea Plantation.
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Die Inhalte auf dieser Seite wurden erstellt von’ The Classic Reimagined Guided Tour: Auckland - Taupo - Rotorua - Auckland loop
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