Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $1500.00 |
Twin Rivers is a real slice of what fly fishing in New Zealand is all about. Hiking up rivers through majestic forests, rock hopping towards the next pool, this is the sport that Kiwis know and love.
Twin Rivers is a real slice of what fly fishing in New Zealand is all about. Hiking up rivers through majestic forests, rock hopping towards the next pool, this is the sport that Kiwis know and love.
Erwachsener | $1500.00 |
Surrounded by the wilderness of New Zealand's largest Conservation Park, Twin Rivers is a truly secluded location that is suited to the angler that seeks the true rustic kiwi experience.
Guests fish primarily for brown trout on a huge variety of rivers and streams. Dry fly and nymph, sight fishing is the only way to go.
The fishery is limited to 4 rods to ensure you experience true angling solitude.
-, Reefton, New Zealand.
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