Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $275.00 - $1100.00
Andere Kosten angle-down

Rates are per hour for the boat, not per person. Maximum 8 people. Minimum of 1 hours charter.

Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

Weather permitting on the day.

Über uns

Lake Taupō is in the middle of the North Island and is the biggest lake in Australasia. On a clear day the snow capped volcanic peaks of Tongariro National Park provide a spectacular backdrop to the lake.
The best way to enjoy it is to book a sightseeing cruise on Lake Taupō with White Striker Charters. One of the most popular attractions on the lake is the Mine Bay Māori rock carving. The carving of Ngatoroirangi was sculpted over the course of four years and completed in 1980 and is one of New Zealand's most extraordinary contemporary Māori artworks.


All months of the year


Redoubt Street, Taupō Town, New Zealand.

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