Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $100.00 - $500.00 |
21 Margaret Place, Frankton, New Zealand.
Looking to explore more of all New Zealand has to offer? Our range of modern, easy-to-ride e-bikes makes it easy to go further so you can make the most of your time on the trails. With pick-up & drop-off shuttle service it couldn't be easier.
Looking to explore more of all New Zealand has to offer? Our range of modern, easy-to-ride e-bikes makes it easy to go further so you can make the most of your time on the trails. With pick-up & drop-off shuttle service it couldn't be easier.
Erwachsener | $100.00 - $500.00 |
Our prices are customised depending on the length of hire. Chat with the team to learn more.
Get the most out of your time in Queenstown and explore more with our multi-day e-bike hire. Whether you want to explore the Queenstown Trail, Lake Dunstan or the Gibbston Valley wine trail our easy-to-ride, modern e-bikes make it easy and fun to explore the area. With our pick-up and drop-off shuttle service we'll take the admin out of your adventure.
21 Margaret Place, Frankton, New Zealand.
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