Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $2050.00 |
We challenge you with the idea that 'nothing changes if you don't change' "There is more than meets the eye and unless you are willing to experience new things, you'll never realize your full potential.” Wim Hof
We challenge you with the idea that 'nothing changes if you don't change' "There is more than meets the eye and unless you are willing to experience new things, you'll never realize your full potential.” Wim Hof
Erwachsener | $2050.00 |
Cancellations communicated up to 60 days prior to the event: You are eligible for a 50% refund Cancellations within 30 days of the event: As the event is closed to new participants, hiring, catering etc is already incurred for your participation, refunds will not be processed. Full refund in the event of another lockdown.
Over the extended weekend, you will be exposed to ancient breath techniques and learn to mix them with revolutionary neuroscience and the latest studies in biohacking, peak performance & flow to tap deeper into your true potential as a human. You will learn how to control your nervous system, understand your stress response and how to use the three pillars of the Wim Hof Method in nature to unlock your full potential. You will be supported to go beyond your comfort zone and find camaraderie, community and serenity along the path.
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