Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $2700.00 |
Avia Air Charter
Ingram Road, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Enjoy the flexibility of air charter throughout New Zealand. We provide the same personalised service and courtesy that we would expect ourselves if we were the passenger.
Enjoy the flexibility of air charter throughout New Zealand. We provide the same personalised service and courtesy that we would expect ourselves if we were the passenger.
Avia Air Charter
Erwachsener | $2700.00 |
Aircraft hourly rate invoiced.
Avia Air Charter is an established nationwide charter airline operating modern twin-engined aircraft and helicopters, putting you in touch with all destinations throughout New Zealand. This is a fast, safe and comfortable alternative for leisure travel tailored exactly to your individual timetable and destination requirements. We create unique, custom-made tour itineraries for our discerning clients to travel in luxury by private aircraft and helicopters to New Zealand's world-acclaimed destinations. Tour guides, destination vehicle transport and accommodation can be arranged as required. In keeping with true charter airline standards, all fixed-wing flight operations are two-pilot services.
Ingram Road, Hamilton, New Zealand.
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