2265 Earnscleugh Road, Alexandra, Alexandra, New Zealand.
Step back 150 years into this historical winery. Enjoy a slice of Central Otago history and a glass of medal winning Pinot Noir. We specialise in high quality wines and are situated close to Alexandra at 266 Earnscleugh Road. Tastings & bottle sales.
Step back 150 years into this historical winery. Enjoy a slice of Central Otago history and a glass of medal winning Pinot Noir. We specialise in high quality wines and are situated close to Alexandra at 266 Earnscleugh Road. Tastings & bottle sales.
Tastings and Sales
Cellar Door Closes 31st May every year for maintenance. Cellar Door opens 30th Sep - 11am to 5pm For Wedding Venue 8am to 9pm. Call us to discuss your arrangements if something special is needed. We will be pleased to help.
Como Villa Estate is owned by the Chapman's who live on the Central Otago Vineyard & Museum. Step back 150 years into this icon of Central Otago history and wine-making. Our wine tasting venue is in the restored villa, originally built in 1865. Try our medal winning Pinot Noir, and other high quality wines. Como Villa has expanded into other varietals and offers a range of quality red and white wines. All the grapes are hand-picked and bottled locally at Alexandra Vintners Ltd, by winemaker Antony Worch. Como Villa is situated only 3kms from Alexandra on Earnscleugh Road & is close to many cycle trails.
Como Villa has a unique past having been a vineyard before the turn of the century and now features a lost world of artifacts & history.
2265 Earnscleugh Road, Alexandra, Alexandra, New Zealand.
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