Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $100.00 - $120.00
(16 Jahre und jünger)
$100.00 - $110.00

Über uns

Cosmic experiences, including solar and lunar eclipses and meteor showers provide a gateway to the wonders of the universe. These events offer heightened awareness, spiritual awakening, celestial connection, and scientific exploration. Witnessing the dance of the moon and sun instills awe. Lunar and solar eclipses symbolize transformation and new beginnings, fostering introspection and personal growth. They also bring communities together, creating a sense of unity and shared connection. Cosmic experiences ignite curiosity, allowing scientists to study celestial mechanics and deepen our understanding of nature's laws. These profound encounters expand our perspectives and open our mind to the mysteries and beauty beyond our earthly realm.


All months of the year


6 Westgate Drive, Auckland Central, New Zealand.

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