Über uns

Since 1996 we at Information Planet we have helped over 40.000 students to live their dreams. And are located in Europe, Latin America, Canada and Oceania.

We help students to find:
- Internships and work experiences
- Langueages courses in over 27 destinations
- Vocational courses
- Higher education
- Help group travel
- High School
- Summercamps

Not only do we send but in our larger destinations students will also find our local offices and colleagues that are always there to welcome them on their destination and provide extra services like job advise, visa applications, mail holding, opening of bankaccounts, free internet and we also organise parties and events that are free to join.


Liniestraat 19, Breda, Netherlands.

Sprachen Service

Alle geschriebenen und gesprochenen Sprachen anzeigen
  Verfasst Gesprochen
Dutch JA JA
French JA JA
German JA JA
Portuguese JA JA
Slovenian JA JA
Spanish JA JA

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