Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $8.00 |
Kind (16 Jahre und jünger) |
$4.00 |
68 Nairn Street, Wellington Central, New Zealand.
Discover old-world charm, five minutes from the city. Gain a fresh perspective on Pōneke history through one of the oldest homes in Wellington.
Discover old-world charm, five minutes from the city. Gain a fresh perspective on Pōneke history through one of the oldest homes in Wellington.
Erwachsener | $8.00 |
Kind (16 Jahre und jünger) |
$4.00 |
Uncover the stories of three generations of the Wallis family women who owned and made the cottage a home. Glide through the decades as you move through the immersive experience. Each room is dedicated to a different family member and decorated according to their era and style. Discover the wider historical context that influenced the cottage’s construction and changes and the wider historical in the Visitor Centre next door. Find the authentically presented heritage garden in the back yard which is always free to visit. Discover old world charm, five minutes from the city. Book now for groups of up to four.
68 Nairn Street, Wellington Central, New Zealand.
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